Memaparkan catatan dengan label birds. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label birds. Papar semua catatan

Isnin, 30 Mac 2009

Itukah Cinta?

Apa itu cinta? Inikah cinta?
Orang kata, kita sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk orang yang kita cintai. Kiranya apa yang anda buat kepada orang tersayang itu, hanyalah iseng-iseng aje (waduhhhhh entah bila ngak aku datang dari Seberang nih? Ampun!!!!!), orang kata usahlah canangkan satu dunia betapa anda mencintainya.
Orang kata juga, kalau tengah hangat bercinta...rela sehidup semati. Sehidup semati????
Mmmm dah malas lah aku nak tulis panjang lebar lagi...hayati je lah gambar-gambar sendu kat bawah ni.
kalaulah benar andai mencintainya...sampai beginikah?

Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal.
She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.
He tried to move her....a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again,
he cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death.

Finally aware that she would never return to him, he
stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.

Millions of people cried after watching this picture in America and Europe and even in India. It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most famous newspaper in France . All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.

And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????